Is Self Care Important for Your Health?

person holding book page on white table

Last Updated on March 28, 2023 by Tracey McGrath

Self care is essential for maintaining good physical and emotional health.1 It includes eating well, getting enough rest, exercising regularly, managing stress, and having fun. Finding a type of self care you enjoy is so important to make it a priority in your life.

Benefits of Self Care

Self care can mean different things to everyone.  Essentially it is an activity that helps you to feel relaxed.  And ideally in tune with yourself.  Self care is important because it helps you to manage stress.  More than half of all doctor’s appointments are stress related.2  And stress, if left unmanaged, can lead to chronic diseases like diabetes, high blood pressure and anxiety.3  There’s an obvious need to find ways to manage your stress.   

Self care helps to regulate the nervous system.  It triggers an internal calming mechanism. This helps to tell your brain that you are safe. Self care practices turn off the flight, fight or freeze stress response. Studies also show that self care that includes socializing may help prevent dementia.5

Types of Self Care Activities

Here are a few activities to try.  By making self care a priority in your life you improve your energy, mood and health!6 

  • Exercise
  • Socializing with friends and/or family
  • Massage
  • Bath
  • Watching a favorite movie
  • Reading a book
  • Drinking tea or coffee
  • Going to a museum
  • Going for a walk
  • Drawing, painting, crafting
  • Meditation and prayer
  • Napping
  • Listening to music

Start by scheduling some time for self care every day.

Life’s challenges can be overwhelming.  Schedule some time each week to focus on taking care of yourself. This might mean going out for coffee with friends, taking a walk, or reading a book. Whatever works for you, just make sure you carve out time each week.  And schedule it on your calendar.  You’ll be more likely to hold yourself accountable.  

woman in white tank top with fresh skin
Photo by Ron Lach on

Give yourself time in the morning to get ready for the day.

When you’re intentional about what you do first thing you can shift your entire day.  By making self care one of the first things you do you’ll reap the benefits all day long. And it doesn’t have to mean getting up super early! Even taking your time to brush your teeth, shower, and dress is a form of self care.   Set aside at least 30 minutes every morning to prepare for the day.  

Journaling or meditation in your morning routine can create a positive and grounded mindset.  Check out my article on the Benefits of Meditation for more information on how to start your meditation practice! Or a meditation app is a great way to try meditation. Check out my article Best Apps for Meditation to learn about my favorites!  Need help with journaling?  Check out my article Journaling: How to Start Your Practice

Some gentle yoga may be your preferred type of morning activity. Or a more activating workout like The Class can also help set you off on the right mindset.  These exercises help to take care of your body and your mind.    

Schedule a time for socializing

Have you been putting off scheduling a date night?  Do you think you don’t have enough time? You might be surprised by how much more productive you’ll be after you make the effort. Studies show that people who schedule regular dates with partners report feeling happier.7 Plus, having a weekly date night will help you stay connected with your partner and other loved ones.

Take a walk

Exercise releases endorphins into our brains, making us feel good.  Research shows that exercising regularly can improve your mood and reduce stress levels.8  So, even if you only have a few minutes to spare, try walking outside for five minutes.  Being in nature can have a soothing effect on you as well. If you can, take a walk through the woods to really soak up the benefits of nature.    

two women having a date
Photo by Ron Lach on

Have lunch with a friend.

Don’t underestimate the power of talking to a close friend.  This is one of the best stress relievers available to you!  If you have small children it can feel difficult to create time for your own friends.  But it is so important for your overall well-being! And by making self care important you set a wonderful example to your children. They learn to take better care of themselves.    

Do you feel stressed out, overwhelmed, or just plain tired?  Consider having lunch with a friend. Studies show that spending time with friends helps relieve stress and improves mood.10 Plus, when you spend time with friends, you’ll likely talk more than you would otherwise. This will help you unwind and relax. And often give a problem a completely new perspective!

Make it easy

The most important aspect of self care is to actually do it and do it consistently.11  And how do you do that?  By making it as easy as possible for you!  Now you know what self care is and how you can practice it.  The next step is to try out different forms that you actually enjoy.   This will set you up for success.

If doing art is one of your favorite forms of self care then check out my article Art Room: Create Yours Today.  When you have everything set up you’ll be more likely to actually engage in this creative practice! Or try out a monthly art box like Master Peace Box! They deliver everything you need for your mindful art practice. 

If playing an instrument is one of your favorite stress relievers then leave out your instrument.  You’ll be more likely to pick it up and play.  

Or if you want to do yoga, keep your mat out.  Do it in your pajamas. Choose an easy routine that you know you enjoy. Check out Yogaworks for great at-home routines!  

Start small with a 10 or 15-minute practice.  You can always do more.  In BJ Fogg’s book, Tiny Habits, he states that you’re more likely to be successful by creating habits that are small. This is because they are more achievable.  

If socializing is your self care practice of choice, then try choosing a group that meets weekly.  That way you know you have guaranteed time for socialization.    

Let’s Connect

Doing self care is important. But finding activities that you enjoy and will do on a regular basis is the way to reap its benefits. Try out different practices to see which one works best for you! If you’d like help starting a meditation practice, I offer one-on-one meditation coaching sessions. Or if you’d like to explore mindful art as your self care practice, book a mindful art session with me here! Or check out my digital course, Becoming Blissful with Mindful Art, which explores how to build a fun, creative habit to reduce stress and tap into your intuition.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is self care important?

Self care not only gives you a moment to engage in activities that you enjoy but also helps your physical and emotional well-being. Self care also sets an intentional moment to give yourself time for you.

What are the benefits of self care?

Helps you to feel more relaxed, calm and at ease. It helps to trigger the relaxation response and reduce stress.

How can I practice self care?

There are many ways to practice self care that are free and easy! You can practice meditation, prayer, taking a walk outside. You could take a relaxing bath, read a book, drink herbal tea. Meet with friends, exercise, journal. Plan a date night with your partner or game night with friends.



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