Art Prompts to Spark Your Creativity

assorted color great board decor lot

Last Updated on February 17, 2023 by Tracey McGrath

Art prompts can be a great way to spark your creativity.  There are so many benefits to practicing creativity. Such as relieving stress and improving productivity just to mention a few. And by making creativity a habit you set yourself up for success in other areas of your life. Creating a fun and engaging creativity practice can be a rewarding self-care practice. But sometimes we need a few prompts to get the creative juices flowing.    

Benefits of a Creative Habit

The benefits of a creative habit are immense.  By making creativity a part of your daily routine you can reap the following benefits: 

  • Relieves stress1, 2
  • Reduces cortisol levels (the stress hormone)3
  • Helps you feel more productive
  • Fuels more creativity
  • Builds confidence
  • Enhances focus4
  • Decreases ruminating thoughts
  • May help decrease depression and anxiety5
  • Serves as a Mindfulness practice (Check out my article What Mindfulness is? for more info)

Why is Creativity Important?

Creativity is one of the unique abilities of the human mind.  It seems we’re always looking to improve upon our past achievements.  Perhaps this is what has allowed us to not only survive for several thousand years but thrive.  

And creativity isn’t just for artists.  Businesses benefit from creative minds.  We wouldn’t have new ways of doing things without creativity.  Even science is all about creativity.  Looking at a virus or disease in a new way can often bring about its cure.  The most successful businesses are looking for creative thinkers.6  They can expand the business offerings to the next level.  

person holding a chalk in front of the chalk board
Photo by on

Creativity is intelligence having fun.

-Albert Einstein

Creating your Habit

Exercising creativity is important to keep your muscles strong.  And as with any habit consistency is absolutely crucial.  To learn more about creating habits that you can maintain check out my article Healthiest Habits: How to Create Yours in 10 Simple Steps.

Setting up a specific time of day helps you to be accountable to yourself. And creating a dedicated space where you create can also be a great way to remind your brain it’s time to be creative.

Check out my digital course, Becoming Blissful with Mindful Art, which explores how to create easy habits that work for you!

Art Prompts to Spark Your Creativity

Here are 6 art prompts that will help to exercise your creative muscles.  Just pick the one that sounds the most fun for you and give it a go today! Also, grab a FREE guide to Mindful Art Exercises for more creative project ideas!   

#1 – Watch an Oscar Winning movie

man holding clapper board
Photo by Martin Lopez on

Choose one Oscar-winning movie that you’ve never seen and watch it.  After watching it, journal your answers to the following questions.  What questions came up?  Did you like the characters?  What images affected you?  Which character did you most relate to?  Which one did you relate to the least?  Why?  What do you think the director/screenwriter was trying to convey with the story?    

#2- Google your favorite artist

Examine the artwork of your favorite artist.  Journal about what it is that you like about their artwork.   What emotions come up for you?  What colors do you like?  Are the images realistic or abstract?  Don’t have a favorite artist?  Then google “famous artwork” and see which ones you’re drawn to.  You could even try your hand at reproducing your favorite piece in a new medium!

“Once we believe in ourselves, we can risk curiosity, wonder, spontaneous delight, or any experiences that reveals the human spirit.”

– e.e. cummings

#3 – Read inspiring quotes

Every person’s life is a creative journey.  You have a completely different experience than anyone else in this world.  No one else has your unique perspective because no one else has had the same experiences as you.  Find a few quotes that inspire you and write them down on index cards.  Leave these in different places so you’ll see them daily (car, kitchen, bathroom mirror, etc).  You can decorate the cards with lines, colors or images that the quotes bring to mind.     

#4 – Doodle

Yes, just doodle.  It doesn’t matter what you draw, just let go and doodle.  It could be lines, squiggles, tornadoes, little hearts, stars or whatever your heart desires.  This isn’t about creating a masterpiece.  It’s about the practice of letting go and letting your brain focus on the present moment – not the end result.   

#5 – Monochromatic drawing or painting

Use only one color to draw or paint an image.  By using a color that isn’t the “normal” color you allow your brain to think outside the box.  You also give your brain the opportunity to see something in a different light.  This cultivates creative thinking.  By giving limitations you also help your brain work to come up with new and innovative solutions.      

#6 – Make a puzzle

Take a photo, painting or drawing and cut it up into various sizes.   You can also use a page from a magazine if you don’t want to cut up any of your original work.  Now you can try putting it back together as it was.  Or you can arrange it in a new way.  See how you can make a new image out of the old one. 

blue abstract painting
Photo by Zaksheuskaya on

#7 – Turn a stain into something new

Take common household items like coffee, tea, ketchup, and/or mustard and create a stain on a piece of paper. Don’t overthink this part. Then after you’ve cleaned it up a bit examine the stain to see what you can see outside the stained area. Maybe a coffee mug ring becomes an outline for a hot air balloon. Is the mustard stain the perfect background color for a sunflower? This helps your brain to practice seeing something new.

Let’s Connect!

I hope these art prompts will help to spark your creativity. If you’re inspired to start your creativity habit check out my digital course, Becoming Blissful with Mindful Art! The course explores how to create a creative habit with ease and in a way that works for you!



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