7 Techniques on How to Relax Creatively

woman's hands paint lines with blue watercolor

Last Updated on January 12, 2023 by Tracey McGrath

Relaxation is a key part of living a healthy life.  But how do you relax when your life seems chaotic?  When your little ones need you constantly?  When your job is overwhelming and you can’t seem to find time to relax? Having some tried and true techniques on how to relax can help you when it feels impossible.  

Relaxing and being creative might not seem related at first. But humans are creative beings.  We thrive on creative outlets. As adults, being creative is not a daily habit that many of us practice.  But by practicing being creative you can relax, destress and actually be more productive! Plus, it’s fun to create!  

Why Do We Need to Relax?

Relaxing is so important for your mental health.  Without relaxation, your body and mind will eventually burn out.2  We are humans, not robots.  Your body and mind need time to rest and recover. You have physical and emotional needs unique to you.  Becoming aware of when and how you can best relax is critical for your well-being.3   Relaxing with creative projects can also help you to be more productive when you return to your work. 

How to Create Time for Yourself?

Time is a funny thing.  We often think we don’t have enough of it or we’re running out of it.  Yes, it’s true we are only allotted a certain amount of time here on Earth.  And we only have 24 hours per day to achieve all of the things we want to see, do and experience.   But how do some people seem to accomplish so much more in the same amount of time than others?   

The simplest tip to create time for yourself is to schedule it.  Put it on your calendar and treat it like you would a doctor’s appointment or conference call.  Make sure you uphold your promise to yourself!   

“If you talk about it, it’s a dream. If you envision it, it’s possible. If you schedule it, it’s real.

-Tony Robbins

My other suggestion is to create a daily habit.  By doing an activity daily you automatically set aside time for it.  It isn’t something you have to think about anymore.  It becomes automatic, which frees up mental energy too. Check out my article Healthy Habits: How to Create Yours in 10 Simple Steps to learn how to create yours!        

Why Being Creative is Important

By practicing a creative habit you allow yourself to be more open and receptive.  Sir Ken Robinson, a pioneer in creative education, states that “if you’re not prepared to be wrong, you’ll never come up with anything original.”  By practicing creativity on a regular basis you allow yourself the opportunity to make mistakes in a safe space.5  

Why Being Creative Can Feel Scary

Allowing yourself to be creative can be scary.  You may have been raised to follow the rules and not deviate or lest you make a mistake.   But mistakes are simply part of the process of growing and learning.  Mistakes are in fact just a sign that you’re trying something new.  And trying something new (especially creative projects) is a great way to expand your compassion for yourself and others.  And it’s a great way to promote brain health!6  

Creating a space that is safe and secure is super important for allowing yourself to feel free to create.  Carve out a quiet room or time when no one else is around.  Even within a “safe” space you may encounter a critical voice in your head that stops your creativity.  Just notice that voice and say aloud, “No, thank you.  I’m ok with being creative right now.” 

You can also tell that voice that you’ll tear up your artwork when you’re done.  Sometimes just that acknowledgment can allow you more freedom.  To help change your negative self-talk grab a FREE guide on how to Think Positive!    

How Do You Like to Relax?

Figuring out how you actually like to relax is critical for you to actually do it.  Try out different relaxing activities to see which ones you like best. But remember to keep going until you find something that you truly find relaxing. And what is relaxing for one person may not be for you. Check out my article How to Find Your Life Purpose for a simple exercise to discover activities that you enjoy!

The techniques below are creative projects that can help you destress and relax.  I recommend trying all of them to see which ones resonate with you!   

7 techniques on How to Relax and Be Creative

#1- Mindful drawing

Mandalas are a great way to practice mindfulness and creativity.  They are an ancient art form used for centuries.7  The act of drawing the mandala can be relaxing.  And coloring the mandala once it’s completed is another great way to relax.  You can also use your finished mandala as a focal point during meditation.  Try it out with a FREE guided meditation!  

#2 – Coloring

Coloring is perhaps my favorite relaxing, creative activity.  It is so easy to get started. Finding an easy technique helps to stop that inner voice that says you don’t have time.  Grab a coloring book and some crayons.  I actually like using my kid’s coloring books but there are tons of adult coloring books too.  And just start coloring!  The act of choosing your colors and filling in the pictures can easily get you in the relaxation zone.  

a paint of sheet music

#3- Listen to music

Music is another great way to relax and be creative. An intentional relaxation practice is to just sit and listen.  See what comes up for you.  Do you feel indulgent?  Fidgety?  If so, set a timer for 10 minutes and allow yourself that chunk of time to only listen to music.  Giving yourself a limit can often help you to relax and enjoy the moment. 

Music activates parts of your brain that actually increase dopamine, the feel-good neurotransmitter.8. Research shows that listening to music can reduce anxiety, blood pressure, and pain. It can also improve your sleep, mood, mental alertness, and memory.9

Journal afterward to see what ideas or thoughts or emotions came up for you.  Check out my article on Journaling for tons of journal prompts!  

#4 – Splatter painting

This can be a great way to release pent-up energy or emotions.  Think Jackson Pollock!  This activity is best done outside or in an area that is protected from flying paint.  I like using big sheets of paper or canvas (18X24) and acrylic paint.  You can thin the paint with medium or buy ready-to-pour paint.  Choose a few colors and a brush. Then start slinging your paint.  Focus on filling up your page or canvas with color completely! I love Blick Art for all of my art supplies!  

#5 – Finger paint

The act of getting dirty can be so relaxing and freeing.  The added component of feeling the paint on your fingers helps you to be more present.  Make circles or just mix the colors together on your paper.  It’s not about the finished product.  It’s about the experience of freedom and feeling the textures.  Tempera paints work great for this project and are easily cleaned up.  

a caucasian woman wearing glasses sits at an art table. she reaches for a paint brush.  the table is covered with art supplies

#6- Watercolor wash

This is a wonderful mindful art practice.  You’ll need watercolor paper, watercolor paints, a brush, and water.  Wet your entire paper with water.  Then dip your brush in the water and into a color of your choice.  Apply a line of paint at the top of your paint.  Hold the paper vertically and watch it flow.  If you like, add a different color and watch the colors blend together.  Another great trick is to add a little table salt to the wet paint.  This technique creates really cool effects in the paint.  Watch the paint scatter and take a deep breath in. And exhale slowly.   

#7 – Doodle

This is a great technique to relax that you can do anywhere or anytime.  Grab a piece of paper, a pen or a pencil, and set a timer for 5 minutes.  Then just doodle.  Don’t know what to doodle?  Whatever image comes up for you is a great start.  Pick simple shapes and try not to get bogged down with details.  Some suggestions are hearts, balloons, stars, swirls, tornados, birds, trees, butterflies, suns, moons, snakes, and/or flowers.  Try to fill up the entire page in 5 minutes!      

I hope these 7 techniques on how to relax inspire you to exercise your creativity.  By relaxing with creative projects you reduce stress.  It also helps you to encourage compassion for yourself and others.  You are a creative being!


  1. https://www.indeed.com/career-advice/career-development/creativity-skills
  2. https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/emotional-fitness/201311/the-importance-allowing-yourself-relax
  3. https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/stress-management/in-depth/relaxation-technique/art-20045368
  4. https://www.bbc.com/culture/article/20201207-how-rest-and-relaxation-became-an-art
  5. https://www.bbc.com/culture/article/20210105-why-being-creative-is-good-for-you
  6. https://www.health.harvard.edu/mind-and-mood/12-ways-to-keep-your-brain-young
  7. https://classroom.synonym.com/the-history-of-mandala-12079525.html
  8. https://www.ucf.edu/pegasus/your-brain-on-music/
  9. https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/wellness-and-prevention/keep-your-brain-young-with-music

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