7 Fun Art Challenge Ideas for Your Inner Artist

shallow photography of brushes on jar

Last Updated on August 22, 2023 by Tracey McGrath

Whether you’re an experienced artist or not, these art challenge ideas will spark your creativity.  Sometimes the best thing to expand your horizons is to give yourself a challenge.  

You can explore new techniques and experiment with different mediums.  You can give yourself time limitations.  Or you could try a new art form altogether.  You could try a new technique and then keep experimenting with that technique again and again.  

Whether you’re looking to try a new art form or just have a little fun with art, this article has something for you. These art challenge ideas are like a creative adventure for you.  One that will help you hopefully find a new medium or style that you enjoy.  And one that will leave you feeling inspired.

Benefits of Exploring Different Art Exercises

Exploring different art activities helps you tap into your creativity.  And it also offers a range of benefits for your overall well-being like stress relief and increased levels of happiness. 2, 3

One of the main benefits of trying out new art ideas is that it helps us break free from creative blocks.  When you do any activity outside of your usual routine, you challenge yourself to think differently.  Your brain gets a fresh perspective.

Think about using your non-dominant hand to brush your teeth.  Suddenly you’re really tuning into what it is you’re doing with each brushstroke.  This can lead to a renewed sense of appreciation and creativity.  

This is true for artists and non-artists as well.  Trying to figure out a better way to give a presentation at work?  Step away for a few moments and try a new art exercise to give your brain a boost of creativity.  

Exploring different art ideas is also a great way to expand your personal growth. Each art form brings its own set of challenges.  By stepping out of your comfort zone and trying something new, you exercise your brain.

Experimenting with different art ideas can be a great way to find your unique artistic voice as well. You may discover a particular style or medium that resonates with you. 

shallow focus photography of paintbrush
Photo by Daian Gan on Pexels.com

How to Implement Art Challenge Ideas

When it comes to a challenge, well, it should be a bit of a challenge for you. This helps you grow and expand.  But you also need to give yourself some grace.  Based on your schedule you may not be able to do a new exercise every day but figuring out what works for you is key.  

There are 7 art challenge ideas in this article so you could try doing a new exercise once a day for a week.  Or you could try doing one exercise once or twice a week for 7 weeks.  Or just one exercise per month may work best for you.  Whatever works for you as long as you’re incorporating some kind of art you’re winning!  

The Importance of Creativity in Art

Creativity goes beyond simply replicating what we see.  It involves thinking outside the box.  Coming up with new solutions to old problems.  Sometimes breaking rules and pushing boundaries.

Creativity allows you to open up to new options.  Practices like art that enhance creativity help you explore new ideas and different ways of doing things.

Creativity in art is not limited to the act of creating itself. It also extends to problem-solving and finding innovative solutions. When you do art you may encounter obstacles and setbacks.   But it is your creativity that helps you find ways to overcome them. It is the ability to think creatively that allows us to turn mistakes into opportunities.

Art Challenge Idea #1: Mixed Media Collage

To get started with mixed media collage, gather your supplies. This can include old magazines, newspapers, fabric scraps, photographs, and anything else that catches your eye.  


  • Canvas, drawing paper or poster board
  • Glue or gluestick
  • Old magazines, found objects, fabric, etc.
  • scissors

Start by arranging your chosen materials on the canvas.  Experiment with different compositions and textures. You can use glue or a gluestick to adhere the materials to the surface. As you work, don’t be afraid to layer different elements.

Consider incorporating other techniques such as painting, drawing, or stenciling. This will add another dimension to your artwork. Let your creativity guide you.

Art Challenge Idea #2: Watercolor Painting

To get started with watercolor painting, you will need to gather your supplies.


Begin by wetting your brush and loading it with the desired color. Apply the paint to the paper, using different brushstrokes and techniques.

Watercolor painting also allows for the use of various techniques with different effects. 

Try breaking your paper up into four quadrants and try a different technique on each one.  

  1. Wet on wet (wet the paper first with only water and then apply paint) 
  2. Wet on dry (apply the wet paint onto the dry paper) 
  3. Try drawing a simple object with water and then apply paint to the water and watch as it flows 
  4. Try sprinkling table salt on top of the watercolor paint and watch the effect it has on the paint
crop faceless woman kneading clay in workshop
Photo by Monstera on Pexels.com

Art Challenge Idea #3: Sculpting with Clay

To get started with clay sculpting, you will need a block of clay, sculpting tools, and a smooth surface to work on. Your tools can be things you already have in your home. A knife, a screwdriver, and a pen will work to add designs. Begin by kneading the clay to make it pliable and easy to work with. This will also help remove any air bubbles that may be present.

Once your clay is ready, start shaping it into your desired form. Use your hands and sculpting tools to mold and carve the clay, adding details and textures as you go. Try different shapes and forms.  Play with your clay.  You can always reshape it into something new.  

Art Challenge Idea #4: Paper cutouts

This exercise is inspired by Henri Matisse’s beautiful paper cutouts that he did later in his career.  To get started with paper cutouts, gather your supplies.


  • cardstock in various colors 
  • scissors
  • glue or gluestick
  • thick drawing paper, watercolor or more cardstock to apply your cutouts.

Start by cutting out different shapes from your cardstock.  It’s best if you don’t have a desired outcome at this point.  Just cut out different shapes until you have about 3 pieces of card stock cut up.  

Now grab your large piece of thick paper.  Arrange your cutouts on the paper to create an image.  It could be a boat on the sea, a woman having tea, or a giant blue whale.  Obviously, it’s going to be an abstract version of the image.  But this gives your brain an opportunity to see something new in the cutouts.  

Glue your pieces down once you’re satisfied with the placement.  You could add paint or draw in details or throw on some glitter if you like.  

selective focus photography of woman holding dslr camera
Photo by Andre Furtado on Pexels.com

Art Challenge Idea #5: Photography and Photo Editing

Photography is a relatively new art form but one with endless possibilities. Photos themselves are pieces of art.  You can capture many beautiful images during a walk around your neighborhood.  Give yourself a challenge like only take images of leaves or animals that you see.

And if you want you can add different effects to your photos to create new images.  You can use a camera or a smartphone with a camera. Using a smartphone may make it easier to use apps to add effects.  But your camera may have compatibility with your smartphone to upload photos directly.  

Find a photo (or take a new one) that you would like to manipulate with effects.  There are many apps out there that allow you to add effects.  I like SnapSeed which has a lot of great options for adding effects.  

Experiment with different techniques to find effects that you like.  

Art Challenge Idea #6: Printmaking

Printmaking is a traditional art form that involves creating multiple copies of an image or design. It offers a unique and fun approach to creating artwork.


To get started with printmaking, you will need carving tools and a printing plate. There are lots of affordable printmaking kits to get you started like this one.  Follow the specific directions for the kit or materials you are using.  

Begin by sketching your design on the printing plate.  Remember your image will be the mirror image of your drawing when you make your print!   Once you have your design ready, use the carving tools to remove the areas you want to remain blank. This will create a relief surface that will hold the ink. Apply the ink to the printing plate using a roller, making sure to distribute it evenly.

Next, carefully place the paper on top of the plate and push down firmly. Then comes the best part!  Simply peel back the paper to reveal your print. 

multicolored mosaic photo
Photo by Tim Mossholder on Pexels.com

Art Challenge Idea #7: Mosaic Artwork

Mosaic is an art form that uses small pieces to create a much larger image.  Mosaic art is interesting because it forces you to get into the details but at the same time focus on the larger image as well.  

To get started with mosaic artwork in this exercise, you will to gather your supplies. 


  • need a piece of thick paper (watercolor, drawing paper or cardstock) and
  •  various colors of tissue paper 
  •  gluestick or glue 

Cut the tissue paper into small squares.  Begin by lightly sketching your design on your paper.  Mind you this does not need to be a detailed drawing since you’ll be covering it with tissue paper.  

Once you have your design ready, start attaching the colored pieces of tissue paper to the paper.  Experiment with different patterns and arrangements.

Tips for Getting Started

1. Start with what you have: Don’t feel like you need to invest in expensive art supplies or equipment right away. Use what you have on hand and get started today!

2. Embrace experimentation: Don’t be afraid to make mistakes or try new techniques. Art is all about exploration and pushing boundaries. Embrace the process.

3. Get inspired: Go for a walk outside in nature.  Look at buildings in your city.  Or search online for artwork. 

4. Practice regularly: Like any skill, art requires practice. Set aside dedicated time for your artistic pursuits and make it a habit. 

5. Join a community: Connect with other artists and join art-related communities or forums. Sharing your work and receiving feedback is so valuable for your growth as an artist. 

Resources and Tools for Exploring Different Art Ideas

1. Online tutorials and courses: There are tons of courses online these days.  Take advantage of these resources to learn new techniques from your own home.  Check out SkillShare or Creative Bug for online classes.  

2. Art supply stores: I always get inspired when I visit an art store.  I love getting the supplies I need and then wandering around the aisles looking for new art forms to try!  Or try an art subscription service like The Crafter’s Box.  you’ll get a new project and all the supplies delivered to your door each month!  You can read more about different art box options in my article Art Box: Unleash your Creativity. 

3. Art museums and galleries: Visit local art museums and galleries to view different art styles and techniques. Take note of the artists that resonate with you and research their work further.  And just looking at art has been shown to be a stress reliever!4  

4. Follow artists and galleries you like on Instagram:  They will usually post new artwork (inspiration!) and upcoming events.   You can follow me here!

Embrace Your Artistic Journey

An art challenge idea allows you to tap into your creativity, push your artistic boundaries, and express yourself in a new way.

Embrace the process and try to not focus on the result so much.  It’s not about getting it “right” it’s about just getting out there and doing it.  Try it and see how it goes.   If you don’t enjoy an exercise, ask yourself why not?  Consider trying it again and notice what comes up for you.  

If you find yourself getting frustrated it could be your inner critic telling you something that really isn’t true.  If you struggle with overcoming your inner critic’s voice let me help you!  My digital course, Becoming Blissful with Mindful Art, has as entire module dedicated to making friends with your inner critic.  You can find more information here!  

Remember, the most important thing is to have fun and enjoy the journey. Art is a personal and subjective expression, and there are no right or wrong answers. Trust your instincts.  


  1. https://greatergood.berkeley.edu/article/item/what_art_does_for_your_brain
  2. https://www.huffpost.com/entry/study-says-making-art-reduces-stress_n_576183ece4b09c926cfdccac
  3. https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/arts-and-health/201109/art-and-happiness
  4. https://www.auckland.ac.nz/en/news/2021/09/29/can-viewing-art-reduce-stress.html

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