10 Quotes About Positive Thoughts to Live By

woman jumping on seashore and holding hat

Sometimes, all it takes is a few words of wisdom to shift our mindset and help us see the brighter side of life. Here are 10 quotes about positive thoughts from some of the most influential leaders. Let these words inspire you to embrace the power of positivity.

“Believe you can and you’re halfway there.” – Theodore Roosevelt

This quote from Theodore Roosevelt reminds us that you must believe in yourself to achieve your dreams.  You have more confidence when you believe in your abilities. This positive mindset can help you overcome obstacles and achieve your dreams. So, believe in yourself and know that you are capable of great things.

“Positive thinking is more than just a tagline. It changes the way we behave. And I firmly believe that when I am positive, it not only makes me better, but it also makes those around me better.” – Harvey Mackay

This quote from Harvey Mackay highlights the power of positive thinking to not only improve our own lives but also the lives of those around us.  You inspire others by your example when you look for solutions.  As you focus on the good in yourself and others, you create a ripple effect of positivity.

woman smiling while covering her face with two leaves
Photo by Kindel Media on Pexels.com

“It’s your outlook on life that counts. If you take yourself lightly and don’t take yourself too seriously, pretty soon you can find the humor in our everyday lives. And sometimes it can be a lifesaver.” – Betty White

This quote from Betty White reminds us to not take ourselves too seriously.  When we can laugh at ourselves everything seems lighter and easier.  Being positive doesn’t mean everything is easy or always sunshine and rainbows.  But when you can be lighthearted about the outcome then you may just find it worked out exactly as it should.  

“When you have a dream, you’ve got to grab it and never let go. Carol Burnett

This quote about positive thoughts from Carol Burnett reminds us of the power of staying true to your dream and not giving up on yourself.  In doing so, one must stay positive and believe that your dream is possible.  Belief in yourself and your dream is a key component for success.  If you can see the dream come true you have already created the reality in your mind.  The next step is figuring out the steps you need to take to connect the outcome to your present.  

Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement. Nothing can be done without hope and confidence. – Helen Keller

This quote from Helen Keller who suffered from blindness, deafness, and an inability to speak for many years reminds us to stay positive.  If she can speak of staying positive with the challenges she faced, I know you can too! It is the one ingredient that will determine success or failure.  You must have hope that you can achieve what you want in order for it to come into your life.  

You cannot have a positive life and a negative mind. – Joyce Meyer

This quote from Joyce Meyer reminds us that positivity cannot exist in the presence of negativity.  If you choose to fill your mind with positive thoughts and all the things you love and you will have a positive life.  If you choose to fill your mind with negativity and hatred and you create a negative life.  

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As you think, so shall you become. – Bruce Lee

The great Bruce Lee reminds us how powerful our thoughts can be.  What we think determines who we become.  You are not just your thoughts but they affect you greatly.  Thoughts create emotions that determine your actions and create results in your life.  So, choose your thoughts carefully.  You can choose a positive thought just as easily as you can choose a negative one.  Give it a try!    

There is nothing impossible to they who will try. – Alexander the Great

Alexander the Great reminds us that as long as you are willing to try then you can literally achieve anything.  The thing that stops most people from succeeding is the unwillingness to even try.  It can be scary the first time you try something new.  But with practice, everything gets easier.  And you’ll soon see the fear as a helpful guide instead of something to avoid.  

Nothing is impossible. The word itself says “I’m possible!” – Audrey Hepburn

Of all the quotes about positive thoughts, this one is my absolute favorite.  The wonderful Audrey Hepburn reminds us how we can turn something negative into positive if we’re willing to shift our perspective.  Remind yourself that there are always more than one way to look at things and do things.  Just because you’ve done something one way forever doesn’t mean you can’t try a new way.  This quote also reminds us that once you believe it’s possible more than half the battle is won.  

 If you believe it will work out, you’ll see opportunities. If you believe it won’t, you will see obstacles. – Wayne Dyer

The wonderfully poetic Wayne Dyer reminds us how beliefs can influence the outcomes.  As long as you can have faith that something is going to happen or is possible you will figure it out.  Once you decide it’s not possible, there’s hardly a chance that it will happen.  Make the choice to believe and you will find the solution.  

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Photo by ALTEREDSNAPS on Pexels.com

“If you think you can do a thing or think you can’t do a thing, you’re right.” – Henry Ford

This is one of my favorite quotes about positive thoughts because it’s so true.  The innovative Henry Ford reminds us that it’s our thinking that determines the outcome.  And if you want to do the thing, think that you can.  Why not?  People have overcome seemingly impossible feats to achieve their goals.  You can too but you must start by thinking that you can.  

Let’s Connect!

I teach stressed-out and overwhelmed women how to reconnect with their inner calm and intuition using tools like meditation and mindful art.  By practicing noticing your thoughts you can begin to detach from them and choose thoughts more mindfully.   If you’d like support check out my digital course, Becoming Blissful with Mindful Art, or book a session to work one-on-one with me!

Frequently Asked Questions on Quotes about Positive Thoughts:

1. How are quotes about positive thoughts helpful to me?

By listening to the wisdom of those around us we can learn to notice our own thoughts. As you learn from others’ wise words you can begin to formulate your own more positive thoughts. These leaders have gained clarity from their successes and failures and are meant to inspire you.

2. Is it ok to have negative thoughts?

Of course! We’re all human and that means we’re all going to have negative thoughts. And that’s okay. It’s about becoming more mindful of how your thoughts affect your emotions and your life. With practice, you can begin to choose more positive thoughts so that you can achieve your goals and dreams more easily.

3. How do my thoughts affect my life?

Our thoughts lead to our emotions, which inform our actions. Then whatever actions we choose to take create some kind of result in our lives. So, it all begins with your thoughts. If you believe something is possible, then you will find a way to make it happen. If you believe something is not possible then you won’t bother proving yourself wrong.

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