Ziva Online Course Review: Is it worth it?

woman sitting on the floor while meditating

Last Updated on September 27, 2024 by Tracey McGrath

Are you curious about the Ziva Online course, the popular meditation course created by Emily Fletcher? This review will provide you with an honest assessment of the program and its benefits. By the end of it, you’ll have a better idea of whether or not this course is the right fit for you. And if you decide to sign up for the course with this link use coupon code ZIVA15 for 15% off!

If you’re looking for an honest review of the Ziva Kids meditation course check out my post where I give all the details.

Introduction to Ziva Online and its founder, Emily Fletcher

Ziva Online is a meditation course created by Emily Fletcher, a former Broadway performer turned meditation teacher. The program aims to help individuals create a daily meditation habit.  

Meditation can help to:

  • achieve greater levels of focus and productivity
  • reduce stress and anxiety2 
  • may also help to enhance creativity3  

Emily Fletcher has taught over 40,000 people how to meditate.   Her unique style of mindfulness meditation combines ancient techniques with modern neuroscience. It’s a very approachable method and she clearly demonstrates everything you need to know in the short course videos. She is also the author of the bestselling book “Stress Less, Accomplish More.”

ZivaOnline course: An Overview

The Ziva Online course is a comprehensive course that will teach you how to meditate. Meditation is super simple but not necessarily easy. Thoughts can pop up that totally take you out of your zen moment. As humans, we’re made to think but thoughts during meditation are kinda the opposite of what you’re trying to achieve, right? And it can be frustrating to try to meditate and feel like you’re not getting it “right”.

No fear, my friend! Emily specifically addresses this myth of getting it “right”. And she explains what to do when thoughts pop up during meditation.  The course provides a method that is uber-approachable and accessible to literally anyone.  

And if you’re still unsure about all the fuss around meditation, it’s been scientifically proven that meditation can provide a wide array of benefits! 

Meditation may help you:

  • gain better self-awareness.
  • be a potential treatment for insomnia.1  
  • decrease stress levels
  • improve focus
  • enhance your overall outlook on life.2

The course also includes guided visualizations and other resources to help you create a daily meditation habit.  Creating a habit is the key to a meditation practice. You may not feel like it’s working but showing up consistently is at the core of the ZivaOnline method.

I found the ZivaOnline approach unique and super helpful.  The step-by-step process of meditation was easy to follow and put into practice. And I loved Emily’s sense of humor and friendly nature.

If you want to learn more about the proven benefits of meditation, check out my article Benefits of Meditation

woman s hand using a pen noting on notepad
Photo by Kaboompics .com on Pexels.com

The three main components of the course

ZivaOnline teaches participants three main components:

  • mindfulness
  • meditation
  • manifesting

The mindfulness aspect of the course focuses on being present in the moment. The meditation techniques you’ll learn help you to deal with your thoughts when they pop up.  Manifesting involves using visualization to create positive outcomes in your life. 

By combining these three practices, students may experience a wide range of benefits.  Some benefits are enhanced memory and emotion regulation. 4 Meditation may also improve sleep quality and emotional well-being. 5, 6, 7  

I myself can attest to less muscle tension in my neck and shoulders as well as better sleep quality.  Plus, I actually enjoy meditating now whereas before it felt like another thing I had to do.  That’s a huge win for me!

I want all the health benefits of meditation but meditating seemed like a chore before I started using the Ziva method.  Now it is a time I look forward to each day! I especially love the manifesting aspect of it since it gives you time to be creative and imagine the things you want to see in your life.

Pros and Cons of Ziva Online Course

The main pros of ZivaOnline are: 

  • Three key components – mindfulness, meditation, and manifesting 
  • Simple and straightforward
  • Easy to digest, short daily videos
  • Story-based teaching helps you to remember her main teaching points
  • Lifetime access!
  • 6 guided downloadable meditations
  • Ongoing Support is available through ZivaOnline membership (optional)
  • You can try it FREE! Get a 3 lesson preview for FREE!

A few potential drawbacks:

  • Her teaching style may not resonate with everyone
  • Online self-paced course (aka no personal guidance)

person putting coin in a piggy bank
Photo by cottonbro studio on Pexels.com

Is Ziva Meditation Worth it?

The Ziva Online course offers a simple and straightforward approach to meditation.  This program is an excellent investment for those looking for an all-in-one, self-paced course that actually works. 

You probably know by now that meditation is good for you.  It can help you to reduce stress, improve pain perception, and boost your immune system.6  So, now all you need is an effective method that you can actually incorporate into your life.  

Even as an UnPlug certified meditation teacher sometimes it felt difficult to meditate.  And I even dreaded it some days.  But I can honestly say that after implementing the Ziva technique I love meditating! 

Meditation is that respite in my morning that starts my day off on a peaceful note.  And the added bit of manifestation in the technique gets me in tune with my desires for my life.  It’s exciting to meditate now!  

I would highly recommend you try out the ziva ONLINE course for yourself.  Even if you’ve tried meditating before and it didn’t feel good to you.  Or if you’re just curious about this whole meditation thing.  Then the zivaOnline course is a great place to start.  You basically get everything you need to create an effective, daily meditation practice in one place.   And if you sign up with this link you can get 15% off with coupon code ZIVA15!

Let’s Connect!

Hi! I’m Tracey. I’m an artist and mindful art teacher. I love to share my artwork as well as mindful art techniques. Check out these great mindful art exercises and my original artwork!


  1. https://academic.oup.com/sleep/article/37/9/1553/2416992
  2. https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/12-benefits-of-meditation
  3. https://behavioralandbrainfunctions.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/1744-9081-10-9
  4. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3004979/
  5. https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamainternalmedicine/fullarticle/2110998
  6. https://www.apa.org/topics/mindfulness/meditation
  7. https://www.nature.com/articles/nrn3916

Disclaimer: This post includes affiliate links, and I will earn a commission if you purchase through these links. Please note that I’ve linked to these products purely because I recommend them and they are from companies I trust. There is no additional cost to you.


  1. Karim on May 24, 2024 at 6:25 pm

    I have been meditating on and off for years. My longest streak is minimum 4 times a week for five years.
    I listened to the audiobook Stress Less, Accomplish More (available on Spotifiy) and have been doing the 2 x 15 min a day meditation.
    Emily calls her meditation Yoga Nidra, and these are now available on the Waking Up app.

    I have not yet tried the Waking up app.


    • Tracey McGrath on June 12, 2024 at 11:17 am

      Hi Karim! I have used the Waking Up app in the past and loved it. I think the best thing for me was making meditation a nonnegotiable part of my morning. Yes, I had to get up a bit earlier but it just became a habit that now feels weird if I don’t do it. Have you read Atomic Habits? It really helped me establish a better mindset for habits. Thanks for reading!

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