Affirmations for Self Love: How to Love Yourself

a woman holds a small compact mirror and smiles with her beautiful white teeth

Last Updated on August 22, 2023 by Tracey McGrath

Affirmations for self-love are a wonderful way to build your self-love muscle. Have you ever had the experience where you wake up feeling good about yourself, but then you stand in front of the mirror, and the negative thoughts creep in? If yes, then I can totally relate!

So, how to start loving who you see in the mirror? The only answer to this question is to love yourself truly. And you can start by using affirmations for self love! What are affirmations? They are simply a phrase stated in the present tense that feels supportive and true for you.

And best of all as you begin to love yourself more your life gets better! You feel better, and everything around you seems so much more positive. On the other hand, if you keep a negative self-image you will maintain a negative outlook for your life. Your chances of reaching goals and making dreams come true are close to zero. 

Yes, loving yourself takes time and effort. But it is also an incredible adventure that will bring you loads of benefits. So, open your mind and embrace the potential life-changing improvements that self-love can give to you. 

5 affirmations for Self Love:

1. I am Letting Go of the Past

a wooden desk with a white card in the middle that reads "how we live is what makes us real". Two leafy branches flank the card.

The first thing you could do to start loving yourself is to let your past go. Dwelling on the past will only make the situation worse. And you risk falling even deeper into self-criticism. Instead, take a few moments, think about your past mistakes, and learn something from them. 

You could try journaling about what happened, how you felt then and now. Use it as a lesson rather than a mistake. For some tips on journaling check out my post Journaling: How to Start Your Practice!

Remind yourself that you are merely a person trying different things and that it is entirely natural to make mistakes sometimes. No one is perfect! We are all human! Learn to see errors as part of the learning experience, forgive yourself, and let them go.

2. I am whole, complete, and loveable just as I am.

Next, stop comparing yourself to other people. Remember that every person on this planet is different, so comparing yourself to others doesn’t really make any sense. The truth is, you cannot start loving yourself if you are continually trying to look like someone else or to be someone else. 

”Comparison is the thief of joy.”

– Theodore Roosevelt

So, remind yourself that everyone in this world, including you, has good and not-so-good qualities. Focus on finding your good attributes. And if it feels good to you try to improve your habits or behaviors that you don’t really like. Check out my article Healthiest Habits: How to Create Yours in 10 Simple Steps. And, next time you see yourself in the mirror compare yourself to the person you were yesterday. 

3. I am a beautiful human being.

This is an affirmation for self-love that may be a challenge in the beginning. Find an iteration that feels true for you. It could be “I have beautiful hair” or “My eyes are beautiful”. It is true that happiness comes from the inside, but we also can gain confidence from our appearance. It is a human desire to be attractive. And sometimes giving our appearance a little boost can help you to feel joyful. 

For example, you can go to your favorite salon and get a new haircut. Or you can go shopping and buy yourself some new great-fitting clothes which will help you feel more confident. Haircuts and clothes may seem like trivial things, but they will instantly change the way you look at yourself in the mirror. 

4. I appreciate myself.

caucasian woman sits in a free standing bathtub holding a glass of wine.  She is surrounded by large glass windows that look out onto a large grey boulders

Giving yourself credit can help you truly love yourself. It is so important that you recognize your accomplishments and strengths. And to treat yourself well when you achieve a goal! Check out my article Celebrate the Little Wins for more details on this practice.  

So, the next time you do something well, reward yourself. For instance, you could treat yourself to a meal at your favorite restaurant or give yourself a spa day. 

5. I surround myself with positive people who love and support me.

Last but not least, if you really want to improve your self-love, choose your company wisely. Imagine spending time with people who only have negative thoughts. It won’t really help you improve your self-image. Ideally, spend most of your time talking to people who will support you unconditionally.

A loving and understanding environment will hugely affect the way you feel about yourself. You will feel the love they give to you, and it will seem less of a leap to start loving yourself. 

P.S. If you’d like daily tips on mindfulness and gratitude follow me on Instagram here or Facebook here

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