Top 7 Personality Tests: Free

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Last Updated on June 7, 2022 by Tracey McGrath

Best Personality Tests Free and Online

Here are seven of the best personality tests free and online that are truly helpful in defining who you are.  We all need help from time to time to see ourselves.  Personality tests help to give insight into your tendencies. They help to identify your unique characteristics and see them as strengths.  

For example, a need for perfection is also an asset in certain types of work.  An “outside” perspective can be the illumination we need to understand ourselves better.  And to see which direction we need to steer toward.  Lean into our strengths and be gentle with our weaknesses.  Or even see the weaknesses as opportunities for growth.

Personality Tests: Types for Everyone

Our human consciousness has a deep desire to tap into our soul (or our subconscious).  What is our true purpose?  Why are we here having this experience in this body?  What is it that we’re meant to learn?  Learning about how and why we do things can open up a doorway to our soul.  That knowledge can offer explanations for experiences in a new light. 

Humans are analytical beings.  We want to learn, to ask questions, to understand, and to make meaning.  So it makes sense that our brains are always looking for information.  The most fascinating information available to us has to do with how and why we work as we do.     

A great personality test can be the friend who identifies a strength that you’d never even considered!  

Best Personality Tests: Free

#1- 16 Personalities 

This site combines the well-known Myers-Briggs categories with the Big Five Personality traits.  If you’ve never taken a personality test before, I recommend starting here.  It provides a lot of information about different aspects of your personality.  This test reveals how our minds interact with the world around us.  It also shows how we focus our mental energy and make decisions.  Plus, it shows how we handle our emotions, our approach to work, planning, and decision-making, and how confident we are in our abilities. Yes, it’s a lot of powerful information! 

Your results are completely free. The site offers options to dive deeper into your type with several upgrades.  But the free results give you a wonderful base to start exploring your unique characteristics. 

#2 – VIA Institute

I love how this test focuses on your strengths.  The strengths are also not your typical strengths.  For example, my top strength is gratitude.  Identifying that helped me to see it as something special.  Because it’s a strength of mine (something that comes relatively easy for me) I didn’t fully appreciate it.

You have the option to buy a detailed report of your strengths.  This report provides a little bit more information on each strength but I didn’t find it that useful.  

#3 – Sparktype

This one definitely helped me to see and validate my deep desire to create.  I have been in a career of service for many years and yet have always had a strong desire to create.  I dabbled with cooking and baking, crafts, painting, jewelry making, glass blowing (yes!)…you name it and I have taken a class on how to do it.  

I find a lot of pride and joy in creating something tangible.  And even though I knew this about myself I also wasn’t sure what to do with that desire.    

This test also reveals your shadow type.  This is the work that we sometimes think is our primary type.  It’s a fascinating look at how and why we are drawn to different types of work.  This test is especially helpful if you’re looking to find more joy in your work.      

It was a relief to receive the validation of being a Creator.  It felt like a warm hug to know my deep need to create is ok and how to encourage that growth more.  And how to allow myself to lean into that desire more importantly.     

I also highly recommend the book, Sparked by Jonathan Fields, the creator of the Sparktype assessment. It goes into more detail about how he created the assessment and how to best use your type.

#4- Human Design

Wow.  This is another amazing find.  I had never even heard of Human Design until very recently.  And was fortunate to have a personal reading.  It’s like the combination of astrology and lots of other aspects all in one.  Really eye-opening into a lot of my tendencies and how they are unique to me.  

One key realization is that I tend to have more energy and determination to keep going at a task.  Not everyone has that same energy.  So, I can learn to be more accepting of this as a strength of mine as well as understand why others don’t keep the same pace.

My human design felt extremely specific to me, as it should.  I gained tremendous insight into some of my behaviors that I‘d never even considered before.  Like I respond well to exercise and will most likely sleep better if I move my body more.  That I need a lot of alone time to feel good.  Knowing this information I can better respect and respond to my needs.  

It was a fascinating and revealing experience.  I was fortunate to have a personal reading with Dr. Nicole Grams.  I highly recommend getting a personal reading for a thorough explanation.  I’m not sure how much I would have gotten out of the results without an expert to guide me.  

#5- Sacred Money Archetype

Love this one too!  I was introduced to this test by Denise Duffield-Thomas who I absolutely love.  Her Money Bootcamp course is A-mazing!  If you’re struggling with thoughts of scarcity around money (and who doesn’t at some point?) her course can help to break through your limiting beliefs around money.  It’s also eye-opening to see how much our thoughts around money permeate all aspects of our lives.  

Money is just an exchange of goods.  But it becomes SO much more than that to most of us.  Finding out your primary money archetype can help you to see how you react to and handle money in your life.  And becoming aware of that can start to shift the flow of money and abundance in your life.  

#6- Enneagram

The Enneagram adds a lot to the personality test world as well.   I really like the description of the types and how it combines positive and negative traits.  You can find in-depth information on the Institute’s website. It helps to fully understand the differences and similarities of each type.  The Enneagram system can be quite complex.  Like most personality assessments, it’s another way to add value to your self-exploration.         

The Enneagram Institute has a test you can buy.  There’s also a free, less in-depth assessment on Crystal Knows.  As a warning, I did receive different results from these two tests.  But my top result with the shorter test was listed as second-highest on the Institute’s test.       

#7- The Four Tendencies

“The Happiness Project” by Gretchen Rubin was a pivotal book in my life.  She got me thinking about how I could actively change my mood by engaging in activities that appealed to me.  I know that sounds like something everyone might know to do but I didn’t at the time.    

So, I’m super excited about her latest book, “The Four Tendencies”.  It’s all about how we deal with expectations.  Expectations of ourselves and others.  This information definitely helps us to better engage with others.  When expectations align then we’re less likely to feel annoyed or disappointed.  Plus, we can also learn to make better decisions for ourselves.  

She has a free quiz on her website to determine your tendency.
Gretchen Rubin’s latest book, “The Four Tendencies”

#8- Zodiac

Ok, so this isn’t really a personality test.  But I couldn’t leave out the tremendous amount of information that astrology can reveal about your personality.  

I highly recommend Jennifer Racioppi’s book, “Cosmic Health.”  It’s very thorough and thoughtful.  I could feel how much she cares about her work and how it can help others understand themselves better.  

You probably know your sun sign.  Most of us do.  But I had no idea that my moon sign is more about how I deal with emotions and show up with myself.  

To go beyond your sun sign you’ll need to calculate your birth chart. Luckily there are lots of online “calculators” for this.  All you need for yours is your birthday, birthplace, and time of birth. If you don’t know your birth time, it’s ok.   But knowing the exact time of your birth identifies your Ascendant sign as well as your Moon sign. 

Other Ways to Discover Your Self


I also recommend journaling as a method of self-discovery. You’ll be amazed at how much you can learn from stream of consciousness writing. Set a timer for 30 minutes and just write. You can also choose to write for a specific number of pages like Julia Cameron’s recommendation in “The Artist’s Way.” She suggests writing for 3 pages without editing yourself. For more information on starting a journaling practice check out my article on Why You Should Journal.


Another method of self-exploration is meditation. By listening and sitting with ourselves we begin the process of accepting who we truly are. Meditation helps to cultivate less judgment of thoughts and enhances your sense of self. To get started on your meditation journey grab a FREE guided meditation. And check out my article on how to start your meditation practice!

Personality Tests: Fun and Informative

Just be aware that any personality doesn’t define who you are.  You are not your behaviors.  You are an energetic being that is special solely because you exist.  As you discover more about your unique characteristics you start to understand your desires and interests.  This information helps you to know how to best cultivate your life experiences.  

The purpose of personality tests isn’t to define you.  It’s an opportunity to receive information about your different characteristics.  This allows you to be more accepting of your traits.   You learn how to best work with your strengths and areas of opportunity.

Everyone is Unique

It is so illuminating to read about other personality types too!  You see that everyone has unique strengths and weaknesses.  We are complex human beings with completely different life experiences.  Learning more about who we are through personality tests is an opportunity for personal growth. 

Disclaimer: This post includes affiliate links, and I will earn a commission if you purchase through these links. Please note that I’ve linked to these products purely because I recommend them and they are from companies I trust. There is no additional cost to you.

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