How to Be a Positive Thinker

boy in black t-shirt sits in blurred background holding a mug that reads see the good

Learning how to be a positive thinker involves leaning into a different way of thinking for many of us.  It does not mean that you ignore negative emotions or experiences.  To be a positive thinker one must embrace “negative” experiences as learning opportunities.  Positive thinking is not about acting like everything is ok when it…

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Tips on Anxiety Reduction that Really Work

a woman with dark hair smiles as she twirls with arms outstretched

Here are a few tips on anxiety reduction that I use daily. Anxiety is a normal reaction to new or unfamiliar situations or environments. We need the anxiety to warn us and to get us ready to take action. But when anxiety starts to present daily and in situations that are not unfamiliar it can…

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Breathing Exercises: Anxiety Relief

a green leafy wall holds a neon sign that reads and breathe

Breathing exercises for anxiety are a great way to help return to a place of calm presence.  Anxiety can be an underlying constant sense of worry and dread. It can also surface in some women as anxiety attacks that seem to come out of the blue. You can practice these breathing techniques for anxiety relief…

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Resolutions: New Year starts TODAY

white woman with pony tail stretches on grass wearing black tights, black running shoes, and a black strappy sports bra

I know a lot of us plan to make resolutions in the new year.  I’m guilty of this too. But why are we waiting, really?  It always seems like a good idea to enjoy the holidays (basically we mean stuffing our face with too much food that we know isn’t great for us) and then…

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Benefits of Meditation

Meditation is a beautifully simple practice that can help to improve your sense of well-being as well as your physical health. It only takes a few minutes a day and the benefits of meditation are life-changing. This article will define meditation and give you a quick overview of how to start your meditation practice. What…

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