The Ultimate List of Affirmations for Mom Guilt

mother kissing her cute baby

Being a mom is one of the most incredibly amazing…and trying experiences of your life.  It’s easy to fall into the trap of feeling guilty about every little thing especially if you’re a working mom.  But it’s important to remind yourself often that you’re doing the best you can.   You deserve to acknowledge your…

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Are Candles Bad for You?

overhead view of seven candles with fern leaves on an off-white table with a white female hand holding a match to light one of the candles

Candles and your sense of smell Smell is one of our fastest and most reliable senses.  It helps us identify danger.  Something smells off. It can help us find food. Is someone grilling out today?  Both are key for survival.  Also, our ability to smell can trigger emotional responses.  A memory of your grandma’s pie. …

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Tips on How to Declutter to Destress

a woman holds 3 sweaters neatly folded. the top sweater is beige, the middle one is light pink and the bottom one is dark grey. her nails are painted red

How Decluttering Reduces Stress Clutter can create a stressful environment.  Decluttering is an excellent way to reduce stress. More so for some than others but in general we as humans crave a clean and neat space to live and work. Studies show that we’re more efficient and focused at work if our environment is clutter-free.…

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How To Avoid Sugar at Christmas

How to Reduce Sugar Intake with Small, Simple Steps The holidays are often filled with LOTS of treats! And it’s totally ok for most to indulge a little.  Because what you resist will persist.  Completely avoiding sweets can actually increase your desire for them.    In the typical American diet, a person eats 22 teaspoonfuls of…

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Creating Happy Homes: 5 Simple Ways to Add Joy

woman stands with back to a stone wall wearing sunglasses. Her hands are placed on the sides of her head and she wears a big smile

Here are some quick tips to bring more joy into your living space and your life. Creating happy homes is as important to your health as eating nutritious foods and exercising.   Make Your Home Reflect You It is important to make sure your home feels comfortable and inviting to you.  This is the space…

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