Tips on Anxiety Reduction that Really Work

a woman with dark hair smiles as she twirls with arms outstretched

Last Updated on June 5, 2022 by Tracey McGrath

Here are a few tips on anxiety reduction that I use daily. Anxiety is a normal reaction to new or unfamiliar situations or environments. We need the anxiety to warn us and to get us ready to take action. But when anxiety starts to present daily and in situations that are not unfamiliar it can begin to interfere with the enjoyment of life. Practice these tips on anxiety reduction and you will feel more in control of your anxiety.

Guided Meditations

Meditation is proven to help reduce anxiety and stress.1 Meditation is an excellent method of getting in touch with your inner self and practicing non-judgment. This practice was one of the key ways that I learned to overcome my own anxiety.

Breathing exercises are essentially meditation. By controlling your breath you calm down your nervous system. Once your nervous system realizes you are in control the anxiety lessens.  Check out my article on some simple breathing exercises!

When I feel really anxious I prefer using guided meditations. The soothing voices and guided imagery give my mind something to focus on and almost immediately calms me down. In just a few minutes I can feel completely transformed.  Check out my article on how to start your meditation practice!  And grab a free guided meditation too!    

EFT Tapping

EFT tapping is another simple and effective tool to help with anxiety relief.2 It consists of tapping on certain points on the body and repeating a phrase or “script”. This practice creates a pattern interrupt in your brain. Instead of allowing your brain to race away with anxiety provoking thoughts, you stop it dead in its tracks. This practice is one of my favorites for my own anxiety relief. For more information on how to do EFT tapping check out my article EFT Tapping for Anxiety Relief. Or grab a copy of my e-book, “The Ultimate Guide to EFT”!

Therapeutic Art

Therapeutic art is a fun mindfulness practice. It helps to cultivate non-judgment and creativity. Coloring is a great way to physically redirect your brain away from racing thoughts. As you color your brain focuses on the activity instead of your anxiety spiral. Grab your kid’s coloring books and crayons and get started now! For some other fun projects, check out my article on Therapeutic Art! Or try a mindful art box like the one from Master Peace Box. It has everything you need for a zen art experience!

A woman with white fingernail paint writes in a blank journal


A daily journal practice is a great way to write about the thoughts in your head. Just the act of writing the thoughts can sometimes provide relief. Or try keeping a notepad by your bed and write down anything you’re thinking about before bed.  This is especially helpful for women who have trouble falling asleep from racing thoughts. Make your to-do list for the next day.  And repeat either aloud or to yourself Louise Hay’s quote, “Today is done.  Tomorrow will take care of itself.” Check out my article on the benefits of journaling and how to start your practice!

Gratitude Journal

Write down 3 things that you’re grateful for from your day.  Try to make it 3 new things each day.  Gratitude helps to improve your sense of well-being.3  And gratitude focuses your mind off of negative thought patterns.  Energy flows where attention goes!  The more we focus on positive experiences or material things in our lives that we are grateful for the more we will find to appreciate.     

Essential Oils

A simple foot massage using an essential oil like Lavender helps to create a sense of calm.4  The foot massage itself is relaxing and a form of self-care.  Lavender helps to calm your nervous system.  After the massage hold your hands over your face and take in one deep long breath.  I love Plant Therapy’s line, especially their Lavender oil.    

Good Sleep Hygiene

Sleep is crucial to good health. Lack of and poor quality sleep increase anxiety.5 Make getting good and enough sleep a priority.

Start by creating a routine so your brain knows it’s time for sleep. Make sure your mattress is comfortable and supportive.  Check out mattresses from Layla that are infused with copper to keep you comfy and cool. Upgrade your sheets so that you feel cozy and welcome in your bed. 

Keep proper bedding for the season.  It’s usually best to keep the temperature slightly cooler at night to help your body rest.  Try a weighted blanket to see if that feels good for you.

Check out my article on sleep hygiene for more information!    

several different types of crystals sit atop a glass tray with a metal sunburst design


I like any effective tool that is easy and passive.  Crystals are one of those amazing tools!  They look pretty sitting around your house. And they actually can shift the energy in your space!  Plus, crystals provide positive energy that you can take with you! I love wearing jewelry with crystals or carrying a crystal in my pocket. It gives me a touchstone if I start to feel anxious. Check out the crystals and jewelry from House of Intuition! To find out more about crystals I recommend the book “The Crystal Bible” by Judy Hall.

Avoid Technology

Too much time on our phones or computers disconnects us from nature and our immediate environment. Studies show that as time increases on devices anxiety increases as well.6 You can do tons of tips on anxiety reduction like breathing exercises, journaling, and meditating but none of that will help if you are constantly connected to a device. Disconnecting from devices is crucial to your overall mental health.  

For quality sleep disconnecting from devices cannot be emphasized enough. Disconnect from your phone at least an hour before bedtime.  If you’ll be tempted to grab your phone to check email or social media try setting up a phone charging station away from your bed.  Get a cheap alarm clock with red digital numbers for your bedside table.  The red lights are not as stimulating as blue light.        

Studies show that you are more productive when you disconnect, get proper rest and step away from digital devices.7  We are living in a digital world that never turns off.  So, we must be the responsible ones and take the initiative to disconnect.    

You Are NOT Your Anxiety

Remember you are not your anxiety. Anxiety is merely a symptom of something out of balance in your body and mind. You can feel happy and safe in your life. You are allowed to feel at ease. You can absolutely tap back into your rightful state of calm. Many things can throw us off balance. By practicing some of these tips on anxiety reduction you can begin to feel at peace again.



Disclaimer: This post includes affiliate links, and I will earn a commission if you purchase through these links. Please note that I’ve linked to these products purely because I recommend them and they are from companies I trust. There is no additional cost to you.

Medical Disclaimer: The information provided on is not a substitute for professional medical advice or treatment for specific medical conditions. You should not use this information to diagnose or treat a health problem without consulting a qualified healthcare provider. is not liable for how the information is used and cannot be held responsible or guarantee any results. You alone are solely and personally responsible for the results, and your success depends primarily on your own effort, motivation, commitment, and follow-through. is simply serving as a coach, mentor, and guide to help you reach your own health and wellness goals through simple holistic remedies and healthy lifestyle changes.

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