Is Santa’s Magic Real?

Last Updated on October 14, 2022 by Tracey McGrath

How to Use Santa to Teach Your Kids About Manifesting

After having my daughter I began to really question the benefit of Santa.

Does it make sense to lie to my child about a big, red-cheeked man that sneaks into our house to leave presents? And why should I give credit to this guy when I’m actually the one picking out and buying the gifts?

Is this yet another way that women diminish all that we do in our families?

True Story Alert!

My step-son had some serious issues about Santa (and not to mention his elves) sneaking into our house.  He was very concerned about how they got in and where they would be hiding.  Were they watching him and would they come into his room?  All valid concerns honestly.  

He was not up for playing along.  So much so he came into our room around midnight one night crying because he was so worried the elves were watching him.  I brought him downstairs and showed him the elves. I let him touch them so he would know they weren’t alive.  I told him that I had been the one moving them around the house.

He held the elves in his little hands and looked up at me with tears in his eyes and said, “You lied to me?”


So, when I started thinking about how I would approach Santa with my daughter I considered not even making it a thing. Even though believing in Santa brought so much joy to my own childhood.  My brother and I spent countless hours trying to figure out how he delivered all those presents in one night.  We watched tons of Santa movies to piece together our own theories about his magic.

Even though I had enjoyed Santa as a kid I thought telling her that this jolly guy is from a made-up story. And that people like to believe he’s real so they feel a sense of magic around the holidays.

But then I reconsidered.

There is great value in thinking about what you want and believing, truly believing, that you will get it. 

This is one of our first experiences with manifesting!

What is it that you want? What makes you smile or you think will bring you joy?  And being open to receiving whatever it is you really want.

The idea of Santa makes it a bit more fun and somehow more believable to a child’s mind.  There’s a sense that anything is possible…which is true!  

The sooner we can start to practice thinking about what we like, what we desire, and asking for that the better!  

I was taught to be happy with what you had, to be grateful because others were going without or had so little.  And I am deeply grateful for all the necessities that I have so easily in my life.  But I also know now that it’s ok to want more, to ask for what I want, and to believe that I deserve those things.

Here’s a simple 3 step practice to do yourself (or with your kids).


1- Sit down, take out a piece of paper (or use this cute writing kit), and set a timer for 5 minutes.

2- Write down what YOU would like to have.

It can be anything!

Don’t think about how you can’t afford it right now or that it’s not the right time or how self-indulgent it would be. Write down what you want! You can even decorate your letter and envelope as if you were actually sending it to Santa.

3- Mail your letter to yourself! Or if you want to you could place it under the Christmas tree and open it on Christmas Day. Allow your desires to come true! Or maybe you’ve planted the seed for next year.

Regardless, it’s all about the practice of knowing what we want first, then asking for it, and being open to receiving.

And here’s a super cute little writing kit you could use to do this activity with your kids!

I know there are lots of opinions about Santa but this is my thought process around it.  And it helps me to feel like I’m teaching my daughter to not only think about what she wants but to ASK for it. To speak it out into the world and let it be known. Then to BELIEVE that she will receive it!

The magic of believing that you will receive your desires is REAL. And Santa is a great way to explore this idea with your kiddos. So, is Santa’s magic real? You get to decide but he represents to me the magic that we all have inside to create whatever we desire.

P.S.  I’d really love to know your thoughts about Santa and how you’ve approached it with your kids!  Leave a comment or send me an email!

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